Decorate The Outside Walls


It rarely happens to be in front of a house with external walls decorated but when that happens the attention of the passer is immediately captured. Generally, the exterior walls are always solid colored with the usual colors, embellished with a maximum of bricks or stones. It is really hard to find before him a real outdoor decoration. Yet it takes so little to give a personal touch! Murals, friezes, and even vertical hanging gardens all this and more to give a new look outside of your home.

trame-diverse-bianche-e-nereWhen it comes to wall decorations you immediately think of the internal ones, those of their bedrooms or the living room. It unlikely springs to mind that the decoration that we would like to achieve is dedicated to the outer walls, the ones that actually represent the calling card for its guests. That’s right, from the outside you can imagine the style of your home. If this is characterized by stones or antique decorations, fountains with snapdragons, or doodles in terracotta, it is possible that we will find a home in rustic or very classic. But when we see on the outside murals pop art or patterns in a geometric, maybe black and white, it is easy to find yourself faced with very minimalist or contemporary decor.

The first advice we can provide to decorate the exterior walls of your home is to paint them in a plot, fantasy, or design that you like and can customize and be in tune with the internal environment. Among the most famous designs are those with a seaside theme then stars, horses, fish, and waves of blue sea achieved on white background. Do not have to be oversized drawings, typical to the times of the houses that are located in the tourist resort summer vacation, but they can also be minimal, stylized, and in the colors you prefer. Another style that really loves by those who prefer the contemporary is the geometric patterns as the rows. Even the murals are very loved and appreciated but in this case, it is always good to rely on those who know how to choose well and make a subject that identifies you.

If you do not like the idea of ​​color with paint on the exterior walls you can opt for the complements to hang on the wall as decorations in terracotta, maybe even colored or wrought iron. Another beautiful and unique decoration is that of a vertical hanging garden. In this way, you will give a new look to your home and you declare openly friends of the environment and nature!